InGeek CulturebyDinkar KumarAndroid BLE Scanner to Scan for iBeacon and EddystoneBluetooth Low Energy (BLE), available from Android API 18(4.3 — Jelly Bean) and later, it creates short connections between devices to…Aug 31, 20201Aug 31, 20201
InStumble AtbyYash WateHow To Set Up Pi-hole on Raspberry Pi Zero To Block Ads on Your NetworkProtect your network from ads and tracking!Mar 17, 20211Mar 17, 20211
Rubens ZimbresBurn a Physical Security Key to Access Your Google Accounts SecurelyIn this article I will explain how to build your own physical security key using a nRF 52840 Dongle from Nordic to securely access your…Aug 9, 20221Aug 9, 20221